The Role of Transfection Reagents in Gene Expression Analysis

Transfection reagents are essential tools for gene expression analysis, enabling the introduction of exogenous DNA, RNA or siRNA into cells. Altogen Biosystems offers a wide range of transfection reagents that are designed for use in different cell types, including primary cells, suspension cells and adherent cells.

For gene expression analysis, Altogen Biosystems provides transfection reagents that can efficiently deliver reporter genes such as luciferase, GFP and RFP, as well as siRNA and miRNA for gene knockdown studies. These transfection reagents are optimized to minimize cytotoxicity and maximize transfection efficiency, allowing for reliable and reproducible results.

Altogen Biosystems also offers specialized transfection reagents for difficult-to-transfect cells such as neuronal cells, macrophages, and stem cells. These reagents have been tested and validated for their ability to transfect these cell types with high efficiency and low toxicity.

Overall, transfection reagents play a critical role in gene expression analysis and Altogen Biosystems offers a comprehensive range of transfection reagents to suit the needs of different research applications.

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